100 Korean Films (2024)
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Korean Film Archive (KOFA), we are delighted to announce the '100 Korean Films.' This list, compiled by 240 experts including film researchers, critics, filmmakers, and industry professionals, is the third edition, following the 2006 and 2014 surveys. These editions allow us to trace the evolution of Korean cinema over the years. Particularly, they provide insights into the perspectives of film industry professionals who are at the forefront of advancing Korean cinema.
A comprehensive survey was conducted for a three-month period from June 1 to August 31, 2023, encompassing a total of 100 Korean feature films. These films, spanning various genres such as fiction, documentary, animation, and experimental, were released through theaters, online platforms, and film festivals. The scope of the survey ranges from Turning Point of the Youngsters (dir. Ahn Jong-hwa, 1934) — the oldest surviving Korean fictional film — to those released up until December 31, 2022. To ensure that the survey results accurately reflect the perspectives of both viewers and industry professionals(makers), we are publishing two separate top 10 lists. The first list is compiled by 171 individuals who primarily 'watch' films, including researchers, critics, and film festival programmers. The second list is selected by those who 'make' films, encompassing directors, cinematographers, producers, as well as distribution and theater staff.
We hope that this list of 100 Korean Films will serve as a valuable resource for Korean film enthusiasts, offering insights into the evolving trends in Korean cinema and reflecting the dynamic changes in the film industry of Korean society.

Selection Process for Surveying the 100 Korean Films

  • Survey Voting Period : June 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023 (3 months).
  • Eligible Works : The list is open to all Korean feature films, including dramas, independent films, arthouse films, experimental films, documentaries, and animations, released through theaters, online platforms, and film festivals. Eligibility extends from Turning Point of the Youngsters (dir. by Ahn Jong-hwa, 1934), the oldest surviving dramatic film, to films released up until December 31, 2022.
  • Survey Voting Method : Each selection committee member nominates 10 Korean films, without any specific order.
  • Nomination Criteria :
    • Representative works in the history of Korean cinema.
    • Films with high historical and cultural research value, reflecting the society of their time.
    • Works showcasing high genre and artistic achievements, and significant aesthetic and genre experimentation, indicative of new filmmaking trends.
    • Films that have made a notable impact on Korean society in terms of topics and subject matters.
    • Works that have received attention at major film festivals, from critics, or the public, including overlooked films deemed worthy of discovery.
    • Films addressing social issues, including feminist perspectives, LGBT themes, minority rights, etc.
  • Selection Committee Members :
    • Viewers (Academic and Critical Perspective): This category includes researchers, professors, reporters, film critics, journalists, film festival programmers, and artists and researchers from other disciplines who engage with films from an academic or critical viewpoint.
    • Makers (Creative and Industrial Aspect): This group comprises individuals involved in the creative and production side of filmmaking, including directors, producers, screenwriters, cinematographers, art directors, actors, as well as professionals in film distribution, funding investment, theater management, and online platform operation.

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