Work Year
2000, 2010, 2020

Filmograpies (165)

필모그래피 테이블
Role Title Role Detail Genre Materials
Director Force of Love (Sarangui him)(모그, 2024) 드라마
Cast The Witch Part 2. The Other One (Manyeo Part2. The Other One)(박훈정, 2022) 산월패션 남직원1 액션  DCP(8)  Disk(2)  script(1)
The Witch : Part 1. The Subversion(박훈정, 2018) 스타탄생 심사위원2 액션,미스터리  DCP(8)  Disk(2)  script(1)
The Age of Shadows (miljeong)(김지운, 2016) Bar피아노연주자 드라마,역사  DCP(6)  Disk(2)  script(4)
Play (Peullei)(남다정, 2011) 모그 드라마,멜로드라마,뮤직  DCP(3)  Disk(1)  script(5)
Sound The Bicycle Thief (Ja-jeon-geo Do-duk)(민용근, 2014) 뮤직 슈펴바이저/연주 드라마  Disk(1)
Doomsday Book (Illyumyeolmangbogoseo)(임필성,김지운, 2010) Piano, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards SF,판타지  Film(1)  DCP(4)  Disk(1)  script(2)
Doomsday Book (Illyumyeolmangbogoseo)(임필성,김지운, 2010) Recording Engineers SF,판타지  Film(1)  DCP(4)  Disk(1)  script(2)
Sound Dept. Another Record(김종관, 2021) 녹음/믹싱 인물  DCP(1)  script(1)
Silenced (Do Gani)(황동혁, 2011) 작곡 편곡 드라마  Film(2)  DCP(9)  Disk(2)  script(7)
Silenced (Do Gani)(황동혁, 2011) Piano, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards 드라마  Film(2)  DCP(9)  Disk(2)  script(7)
Music Lover (Jeongdonggil)(윤서진, 2024) 드라마
Method Acting (Mesodeuyeongi)(이기혁, 2024) 드라마,코메디
The Tyrant (Pokgun)(박훈정, 2024) 액션,스릴러
Faith(나홍진, 2023) 드라마  DCP(1)  script(1)
Persona a Strange Girl (Pereusona: isanghan yeoja)(정형석, 2023) 드라마
Dead Man(하준원, 2023) 드라마,범죄,미스터리,스릴러  DCP(2)
Miss Fortune (Hwasahan geunyeo)(이승준, 2023) 뮤직슈퍼바이저 코메디,범죄  DCP(1)  script(1)
All of Us Are Dead (Jigeum uri hakgyoneun)(이재규,김남수, 2022) 공포,액션,스릴러
Heartbeat (Simjangsori)(이창동, 2022) 드라마  DCP(9)
Ransomed (Bigongsikjakjeon)(김성훈, 2022) 드라마,첩보  DCP(8)
The Childe (Gwigongja)(박훈정, 2022) 액션,범죄,스릴러  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
The Witch Part 2. The Other One (Manyeo Part2. The Other One)(박훈정, 2022) 액션  DCP(8)  Disk(2)  script(1)
Cobweb (Geo-Mi-Jip)(김지운, 2022) 드라마,코메디  DCP(6)
Ground Zero(김지용, 2021) 액션
Dr. Brain(김지운, 2021) SF,미스터리,스릴러
Soulmate(민용근, 2021) 드라마  DCP(9)  Disk(2)  script(1)
Another Record(김종관, 2021) 인물  DCP(1)  script(1)
Night in Paradise (Nak-won-eui Bam)(박훈정, 2020) 범죄,드라마,느와르  DCP(2)  script(1)
Peninsula (Ban-Do)(연상호, 2020) 공포,스릴러,드라마,액션  DCP(12)  Disk(3)
Confession (Jabaek)(윤종석, 2020) 드라마,스릴러,범죄  DCP(7)  Disk(2)  script(1)
(Eontaekteu)(김지운, 2020) 멜로/로맨스,드라마  DCP(2)
Deliver Us from Evil (Da-man Ak-e-seo Gu-ha-so-seo)(홍원찬, 2020) 범죄,액션,드라마  DCP(10)  Disk(2)
Vestige (Dari jineun bam)(김종관,장건재, 2020) 드라마,옴니버스,어드벤처  DCP(1)  script(1)
Homme Fatale (Gi-bang-do-ryeong)(남대중, 2019) Music Supervisor 코메디,시대극/사극  DCP(4)  Disk(1)
Start-Up (Si-dong)(최정열, 2019) Original Music by 드라마  DCP(5)  Disk(2)
Jesters: The Game Changers (Gwangdaedeul: pungmunjojakdan)(김주호, 2019) 드라마,시대극/사극  DCP(5)  Disk(2)
The Beast (Bi-seu-teu)(이정호, 2019) 범죄,액션,스릴러  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
Long Live the King (Rong Ri-beu Deo King; Mok-po Yeong-ung)(강윤성, 2019) 액션,드라마  DCP(2)  Disk(2)
My Dream Class (Byeolliseom)(배종, 2018) 코메디,드라마  DCP(1)
Exit(이상근, 2018) 액션,코메디  DCP(5)  Disk(2)  script(1)
The Witch : Part 1. The Subversion(박훈정, 2018) 액션,미스터리  DCP(8)  Disk(2)  script(1)
Unstoppable (Seong-nan Hwang-so)(김민호, 2018) 범죄,액션  DCP(5)  Disk(1)
Illang : The Wolf Bridge (Inrang)(김지운, 2018) SF,액션  DCP(6)  Disk(2)
Intimate Strangers (Wan-byeok-han Ta-in)(이재규, 2018) 드라마,코메디  DCP(6)  Disk(2)
Persona (Pereusona)(이경미,임필성,전고운,김종관, 2018) 드라마
BURNING (Beo-ning)(이창동, 2018) 미스터리  DCP(8)  Disk(1)
Miss Baek (Mi-sseu-Baek)(이지원, 2017) 뮤직 수퍼바이저 드라마  DCP(6)  Disk(2)
A Day ( Haru )(조선호, 2017) 스릴러,드라마  DCP(7)  Disk(1)
Monstrum (Mulgoe)(허종호, 2017) 액션,시대극/사극  DCP(9)  Disk(1)  script(1)
The Outlaws ( Beom-joe-do-si )(강윤성, 2017) 범죄,액션  DCP(8)  Disk(2)
Warriors of the Dawn ( Daeripgun )(정윤철, 2017) 시대극/사극  DCP(10)  Disk(1)
The Running Actress (Yeo-bae-u-neun O-neul-do)(문소리, 2017) 옴니버스,드라마  DCP(4)  Disk(1)
Making Family(조진모, 2016) 드라마,멜로드라마  DCP(6)  Disk(1)  script(2)
Romans 8:37 ( Romaseo 8:37 )(신연식, 2016) 드라마,종교,가족,미스터리  DCP(4)  Disk(1)
The King(한재림, 2016) 범죄,드라마  DCP(8)  Disk(2)
The Age of Shadows (miljeong)(김지운, 2016) Original Music/Piano/Guitar/Synth/Basses/Percussions/Electric Vibraphone 드라마,역사  DCP(6)  Disk(2)  script(4)
V.I.P. (Beu-i-a-i-pi)(박훈정, 2016) 액션,느와르,범죄,스릴러  DCP(8)  Disk(2)
A Special Lady ( Miok )(이안규, 2016) 범죄,액션,느와르  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
The Best Director (Choe-go-ui Gam-dok)(문소리, 2015) 드라마,코메디
DONGJU; The Portrait of A Poet(이준익, 2015) 드라마,전기  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
The Advocate : A Missing Body (Seongnan Byeonhosa)(허종호, 2015) 드라마,액션,범죄  DCP(6)  Disk(1)  script(1)
Love Guide for Dumpees (Geuk-jeok-in Ha-rut-bam)(하기호, 2015) 코메디,멜로드라마  DCP(4)  Disk(1)  script(1)
Remember You (Na-reul It-ji Ma-ra-yo)(이윤정, 2015) 드라마,미스터리,멜로드라마  DCP(8)  script(1)
The Avian Kind (Joryuingan)(신연식, 2014) Music Supervisor 드라마  DCP(4)  Disk(1)  script(1)
Scarlet Innocence (ma-dam ppaeng-deok)(임필성, 2014) 드라마,멜로드라마  DCP(6)  Disk(1)  script(1)
The Actress (Yeo-bae-u)(문소리, 2014) 드라마,코메디  Disk(1)
Phantoms of the Archive (Akaibeuui yuryeongdeul)(김종관, 2014) 드라마
The Fatal Encounter ( Yoekrin )(이재규, 2014) 드라마,시대극/사극  DCP(5)  Disk(1)  script(3)
The Royal Tailor (Sanguiwon)(이원석, 2014) 드라마  DCP(4)  script(2)
One Perfect Day (Sa-rang-ui Ga-wi-ba-wi-bo)(김지운, 2013) Original music by, Composed by 드라마,멜로드라마,코메디  DCP(4)
The X(김지운, 2013) 액션,스릴러  DCP(7)  script(3)
Hwayi : a monster boy (Hwai)(장준환, 2013) 스릴러,액션  DCP(6)  Disk(2)  script(2)
Memories of the sword (Hyeomnyeo: karui gieok)(박흥식, 2013) 시대극/사극,액션,무협  DCP(5)  script(1)
The Last Stand(김지운, 2013) 서부,액션  Disk(2)
Miss Granny (Su-sang-han Geu-nyeo)(황동혁, 2013) 드라마,코메디  DCP(7)  Disk(3)  script(6)
A Company Man (Hoesawon)(임상윤, 2012) 드라마,액션  Film(1)  DCP(7)  Disk(2)  script(5)
How to Use Guys with Secret Tips (Namjasayongseolmyeongseo)(이원석, 2012) 멜로드라마,코메디  Film(1)  DCP(5)  Disk(1)  script(2)
Masquerade (Gwanghae, Wangi Doen Namja)(추창민, 2012) 드라마,시대극/사극  Film(1)  DCP(5)  Disk(3)  script(5)
(타케 마사하루, 2012) 드라마,코메디
Behind the Camera (Dwitdamhwa:gamdogi michyeosseoyo)(이재용, 2012) 드라마  DCP(5)  script(2)
Silenced (Do Gani)(황동혁, 2011) 드라마  Film(2)  DCP(9)  Disk(2)  script(7)
Faces Places(김병서, 2010) 문화
(Syupeo deoku)(임필성, 2010) 드라마
Doomsday Book (Illyumyeolmangbogoseo)(임필성,김지운, 2010) SF,판타지  Film(1)  DCP(4)  Disk(1)  script(2)
Camellia (Ka-mel-li-a)(유키사다 이사오,위시트 사사나티앙,장준환, 2010) 드라마,판타지  Film(2)  script(4)
I Saw The Devil(Angmareul Boatda)(김지운, 2010) 스릴러  Film(12)  DCP(14)  Disk(2)  script(15)
Cross, geunyeoege jangmireul(윤종석, 2010) 드라마
The Influence(이재규, 2010) 액션,미스터리  script(2)
The Present(김지운, 2009) 드라마,첩보,미스터리
Planet B-Boy(벤슨 리, 2007) 뮤직  Disk(1)
Music Dept. Dead Man(하준원, 2023) 작편곡/일렉트릭 베이스/콘트라 베이스/피아노 키보드/퍼커션/기타/믹싱엔지니어 드라마,범죄,미스터리,스릴러  DCP(2)
Faith(나홍진, 2023) Bass/Guitar/ Synth/ Keyboards/Piano 드라마  DCP(1)  script(1)
Ransomed (Bigongsikjakjeon)(김성훈, 2022) 작편곡/Bass/Piano & Keyboards/Guitars/Mixed by 드라마,첩보  DCP(8)
The Witch Part 2. The Other One (Manyeo Part2. The Other One)(박훈정, 2022) Original Music by/Guitars/Basses/Keyboard & Piano/Mixing Engineer 액션  DCP(8)  Disk(2)  script(1)
The Childe (Gwigongja)(박훈정, 2022) 작편곡/베이스/피아노, 키보드/퍼커션/기타/믹싱엔지니어 액션,범죄,스릴러  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
Cobweb (Geo-Mi-Jip)(김지운, 2022) Original Music/Additional Composed by/베이스/기타/피아노 드라마,코메디  DCP(6)
Another Record(김종관, 2021) 작편곡/콘트라베이스/기타/일렉트릭 베이스/피아노/퍼커션 인물  DCP(1)  script(1)
ActionHero (Aeksyeonhieoro)(이진호, 2021) 작편곡/연주/뮤직슈퍼바이저 코메디,액션  DCP(2)  script(1)
Ground Zero(김지용, 2021) 작곡&편곡/ 연주 액션
Soulmate(민용근, 2021) Composed and Arranged by/Instruments 드라마  DCP(9)  Disk(2)  script(1)
Deliver Us from Evil (Da-man Ak-e-seo Gu-ha-so-seo)(홍원찬, 2020) Music By/Music performed, recorded and mixed by 범죄,액션,드라마  DCP(10)  Disk(2)
Peninsula (Ban-Do)(연상호, 2020) Original Music by/Guitars/Basses/Percussions & Drums 공포,스릴러,드라마,액션  DCP(12)  Disk(3)
(Eontaekteu)(김지운, 2020) 작편곡/기타/베이스/피아노 멜로/로맨스,드라마  DCP(2)
Confession (Jabaek)(윤종석, 2020) 작편곡/피아노/기타/베이스 드라마,스릴러,범죄  DCP(7)  Disk(2)  script(1)
Night in Paradise (Nak-won-eui Bam)(박훈정, 2020) Original Music by/Guitars/Basses/Percussions & Drums 범죄,드라마,느와르  DCP(2)  script(1)
Vestige (Dari jineun bam)(김종관,장건재, 2020) Basses/Percussion/Guitars/Keybords 드라마,옴니버스,어드벤처  DCP(1)  script(1)
The Beast (Bi-seu-teu)(이정호, 2019) Original Music by/ Guitar/ Synth/ Basses/ Piano 범죄,액션,스릴러  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
Homme Fatale (Gi-bang-do-ryeong)(남대중, 2019) 작편곡/ Guitar/ Bass 코메디,시대극/사극  DCP(4)  Disk(1)
Start-Up (Si-dong)(최정열, 2019) Guitars/ Synth/ Basses/ Piano 드라마  DCP(5)  Disk(2)
Jesters: The Game Changers (Gwangdaedeul: pungmunjojakdan)(김주호, 2019) 작곡/편곡/Guitars and Basses/Keyboards 드라마,시대극/사극  DCP(5)  Disk(2)
Long Live the King (Rong Ri-beu Deo King; Mok-po Yeong-ung)(강윤성, 2019) Original Music by/Guitars/Synth/Basses/Piano 액션,드라마  DCP(2)  Disk(2)
My Dream Class (Byeolliseom)(배종, 2018) ORIGINAL MUSIC BY/GUITARS/PIANO/SYNTH/BASSES/DOUBLE BASS 코메디,드라마  DCP(1)
Unstoppable (Seong-nan Hwang-so)(김민호, 2018) Original Music by/Guitars/Synth/Basses/Piano 범죄,액션  DCP(5)  Disk(1)
BURNING (Beo-ning)(이창동, 2018) Original Music by, Composed & Arranged by, Basses, Guitars, Piano & Keyboard 미스터리  DCP(8)  Disk(1)
Illang : The Wolf Bridge (Inrang)(김지운, 2018) Original Music by/Guitars/Bass/Piano/Synth/Effects,Noise SF,액션  DCP(6)  Disk(2)
Intimate Strangers (Wan-byeok-han Ta-in)(이재규, 2018) Guitar, Synth, Basses, Piano 드라마,코메디  DCP(6)  Disk(2)
Persona (Pereusona)(이경미,임필성,전고운,김종관, 2018) Keyboards/Guitars/Bass 드라마
The Witch : Part 1. The Subversion(박훈정, 2018) Original Music by, Guitars, Synth , Basses, Percussions, Piano, Double Bass 액션,미스터리  DCP(8)  Disk(2)  script(1)
Exit(이상근, 2018) Guitars/Synth/Basses/Piano 액션,코메디  DCP(5)  Disk(2)  script(1)
Warriors of the Dawn ( Daeripgun )(정윤철, 2017) Original Music by/Guitars/Synth/Basses/Percussions 시대극/사극  DCP(10)  Disk(1)
A Day ( Haru )(조선호, 2017) Original Score Composed and Arranged by/Guitars/Bass/Piano 스릴러,드라마  DCP(7)  Disk(1)
Miss Baek (Mi-sseu-Baek)(이지원, 2017) Guitar/Bass 드라마  DCP(6)  Disk(2)
Monstrum (Mulgoe)(허종호, 2017) Guitars, Synth, Basses, Piano 액션,시대극/사극  DCP(9)  Disk(1)  script(1)
The Outlaws ( Beom-joe-do-si )(강윤성, 2017) 범죄,액션  DCP(8)  Disk(2)
A Bad Hair Day (choe-a-gui ha-ru)(김종관, 2016) Music Supervisor/작곡/Guitar/Bass/ 드라마  DCP(3)  script(1)
Romans 8:37 ( Romaseo 8:37 )(신연식, 2016) Piano & Organ/ Contrabass/ Synth/ Percussions 드라마,종교,가족,미스터리  DCP(4)  Disk(1)
Making Family(조진모, 2016) Guitars & Basses 드라마,멜로드라마  DCP(6)  Disk(1)  script(2)
V.I.P. (Beu-i-a-i-pi)(박훈정, 2016) Original Music by/Guitars/Synth/Basses/Percussions/Contra Bass 액션,느와르,범죄,스릴러  DCP(8)  Disk(2)
The King(한재림, 2016) 작곡/편곡/Bass/Guitar/Piano/Keyboard 범죄,드라마  DCP(8)  Disk(2)
A Special Lady ( Miok )(이안규, 2016) Original Music by/Guitars&Basses/Piano/Synth/Percussions/Contra Bass 범죄,액션,느와르  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
DONGJU; The Portrait of A Poet(이준익, 2015) Guitars, Basses, Keyboards, Percussions & Piano 드라마,전기  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
Remember You (Na-reul It-ji Ma-ra-yo)(이윤정, 2015) 작/편곡,기타,베이스,키보드,피아노 드라마,미스터리,멜로드라마  DCP(8)  script(1)
Love Guide for Dumpees (Geuk-jeok-in Ha-rut-bam)(하기호, 2015) Guitar/Bass/Ukelele 코메디,멜로드라마  DCP(4)  Disk(1)  script(1)
Like a French Film (Peu-rang-seu Yeong-hwa-cheo-reom)(신연식, 2015) 뮤직슈퍼바이저 드라마,옴니버스  DCP(3)  Disk(1)  script(1)
DONGJU; The Portrait of A Poet(이준익, 2015) 작, 편곡 드라마,전기  DCP(6)  Disk(1)
The Advocate : A Missing Body (Seongnan Byeonhosa)(허종호, 2015) 작, 편곡,Guitars, Basses & Piano 드라마,액션,범죄  DCP(6)  Disk(1)  script(1)
If you were me ( Si-seon Sa-i )(최익환,신연식,이광국, 2015) Music Supervisor 드라마,옴니버스  DCP(3)  Disk(1)  script(1)
Scarlet Innocence (ma-dam ppaeng-deok)(임필성, 2014) Guitar,Bass,Piano 드라마,멜로드라마  DCP(6)  Disk(1)  script(1)
Scarlet Innocence (ma-dam ppaeng-deok)(임필성, 2014) Original Score Composed & Arranged By 드라마,멜로드라마  DCP(6)  Disk(1)  script(1)
The Royal Tailor (Sanguiwon)(이원석, 2014) 작,편곡 드라마  DCP(4)  script(2)
The Fatal Encounter ( Yoekrin )(이재규, 2014) Bass 드라마,시대극/사극  DCP(5)  Disk(1)  script(3)
The Fatal Encounter ( Yoekrin )(이재규, 2014) Guitar 드라마,시대극/사극  DCP(5)  Disk(1)  script(3)
The Fatal Encounter ( Yoekrin )(이재규, 2014) 작곡 드라마,시대극/사극  DCP(5)  Disk(1)  script(3)
Hwayi : a monster boy (Hwai)(장준환, 2013) 작곡/오케스트라 스릴러,액션  DCP(6)  Disk(2)  script(2)
Miss Granny (Su-sang-han Geu-nyeo)(황동혁, 2013) Composer 드라마,코메디  DCP(7)  Disk(3)  script(6)
The X(김지운, 2013) 작곡 액션,스릴러  DCP(7)  script(3)
The X(김지운, 2013) 기타/베이스 액션,스릴러  DCP(7)  script(3)
Miss Granny (Su-sang-han Geu-nyeo)(황동혁, 2013) Piano 드라마,코메디  DCP(7)  Disk(3)  script(6)
Miss Granny (Su-sang-han Geu-nyeo)(황동혁, 2013) Keyboard 드라마,코메디  DCP(7)  Disk(3)  script(6)
Miss Granny (Su-sang-han Geu-nyeo)(황동혁, 2013) Guitar 드라마,코메디  DCP(7)  Disk(3)  script(6)
Miss Granny (Su-sang-han Geu-nyeo)(황동혁, 2013) Bass 드라마,코메디  DCP(7)  Disk(3)  script(6)
Miss Granny (Su-sang-han Geu-nyeo)(황동혁, 2013) Drums 드라마,코메디  DCP(7)  Disk(3)  script(6)
One Perfect Day (Sa-rang-ui Ga-wi-ba-wi-bo)(김지운, 2013) Arranged by, Guitar, Bass, Piano 드라마,멜로드라마,코메디  DCP(4)
Memories of the sword (Hyeomnyeo: karui gieok)(박흥식, 2013) 작곡 편곡 시대극/사극,액션,무협  DCP(5)  script(1)
Memories of the sword (Hyeomnyeo: karui gieok)(박흥식, 2013) Guitars, Basses & Piano 시대극/사극,액션,무협  DCP(5)  script(1)
Behind the Camera (Dwitdamhwa:gamdogi michyeosseoyo)(이재용, 2012) 작곡/편곡/Recording Engineer 드라마  DCP(5)  script(2)
Behind the Camera (Dwitdamhwa:gamdogi michyeosseoyo)(이재용, 2012) Piano, Keyboard, Percussions, Guitar, Bass 드라마  DCP(5)  script(2)
Masquerade (Gwanghae, Wangi Doen Namja)(추창민, 2012) 음악감독, 작곡, 뮤직슈퍼바이저, 오케스트레이션 드라마,시대극/사극  Film(1)  DCP(5)  Disk(3)  script(5)
How to Use Guys with Secret Tips (Namjasayongseolmyeongseo)(이원석, 2012) 작곡 멜로드라마,코메디  Film(1)  DCP(5)  Disk(1)  script(2)
A Company Man (Hoesawon)(임상윤, 2012) Piano, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards 드라마,액션  Film(1)  DCP(7)  Disk(2)  script(5)
How to Use Guys with Secret Tips (Namjasayongseolmyeongseo)(이원석, 2012) Guitar 멜로드라마,코메디  Film(1)  DCP(5)  Disk(1)  script(2)
A Company Man (Hoesawon)(임상윤, 2012) 작곡/편곡 드라마,액션  Film(1)  DCP(7)  Disk(2)  script(5)
A Company Man (Hoesawon)(임상윤, 2012) Recording Engineer 드라마,액션  Film(1)  DCP(7)  Disk(2)  script(5)
I Saw The Devil(Angmareul Boatda)(김지운, 2010) Original music by, Mixed by, All instrument performed and arranged by, Orchestrated by 스릴러  Film(12)  DCP(14)  Disk(2)  script(15)

초기화면 설정

초기화면 설정